Artist statement
Roma Auskalnyte is Helsinki (Finland) based interdisciplinary artist. As her background is in printmaking, she is exploring body and its “fleshness” as material in it. She is searching how to actualise the importance of gesture, labour time and repetition which are always hidden behind the final print. Those processes influenced her and they led to different transformations of her ideas and artworks.
Her pieces creates communication between texts, surfaces and certain cultural references. Roma analyses body and it surface, how to work with and to work on it. She tends to experiment with different medias from printmaking to performance or even photography looking for the right way to express her thoughts and find a suitable language for the art pieces.
Roma Auskalnyte was born in 1988 in Lithuania. In 2004 she graduated from the Silute Art School, Lithuania. Roma received her BA in printmaking in 2012 from Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania. From 2013 Roma was studying at the Finnish Academy of Arts (KUVA) Helsinki (FI) and received Master degree in printmaking in 2016. Supervisor for her works were performance artist John Court (Tornio FI/UK). In 2019 she received an PTP (Printer Training Program) certificate from Tamarind Institute (USA, Albuquerque).
In 2016 Roma was awarded Promising Artist Scholarship by Art Foundation Merita and in 2022, she received oldest and prestigious 'Ducat' award for the Young Artists of a year, presented by Art Society of Finland.
Auskalnyte actively participates in local and international exhibitions, her works has been exhibited and belongs to the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma (Finland), Grand Palais des Beaux Arts de Lille museum (France), Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation collection (Finland) and many personal collections. Currently Roma is residing and creating in Helsinki, Finland. Also she is a part of Helsinki Litho studio and works as stone lithography and offset printer.
Media attention/ links:
Helsingin Sanomat
Literatūra ir Menas
Emboss magazine
Art Maze Mag / Winter Issue 11
Printmaking Today Winter issue 23'
Works in collections
KIASMA contemporary art museum in Finland
Réunion des Musées Nationaux - Grand Palais de Lille in France
Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation collection Finland
Personal collections
Mentioned in Publications
"Printed matters : merkitysten kerroksia" (LINK)
"Le rêve d'être artiste - Catalogue d'exposition" (LINK)
"Wonder women. Ni muses, ni modèles : artistes!" (LINK)
"To touch and be touched: Affective, immersive and critical contemporary art?" by Saara Hacklin (LINK)
2022-2024 Taiteen Edistamiskeskus / Arts Promotion Center Finland grant, Finland
2020 Part of group grant from Arts Promotion Center Finland grant, Finland
2019 Finnish Cultural Foundations’ mobility grant (4 months), Finland
2019.01-12 Taiteen Edistamiskeskus / Arts Promition Center Finland grant, Finland
2018 Lithuanian Council for Culture / Educational Stipendium, Lithuania
2016 Suomen Taideyhdistyksen nuorten taiteilijoiden apuraha / Finnish Art Society scholarship for young artists, Finland
2016 Art Foundation Merita/ Promising Young Artist Scholarship, Finland
2015 Lithuanian Council for Culture / State Stipendium, Lithuania
Awards and nominations
2022 Ducat Prize award for young artists, Finland
2018 Nominee for The Queen Sonja Print Award, Norway
2015 Anita Snellman Foundation, Finland
2025.09.02-25 [Upcoming] Artists in residence at Santa Fe Art Institute, New Mexico (USA)
2023.02.26-03.14 Artist in residence for PTP students, Tamarind institute (USA)
2017.07.10-08.04 Tamarind summer workshop (USA)
2016.03.12-03.20 ‘Utö’ island artist residency Finland (FI)
2014.09.29 -2014.10.07 ‘Kuvataideakatemia Residency’ Berlin Germany (GE)
Solo exhibitions
2024.06.07-30 Solo exhibition ‘Effort towards stillness’ Gallery Hippolyte (Studio), Helsinki, Finland (FI)
2023.09.04-30 Solo exhibition 'Dedications' Artists association gallery, Klaipeda, Lithuania (LT)
2022.05.13-06.05 Solo exhibition “corpus ut text” KKKC gallery, Klaipeda, Lithuania (LT)
2020.08.20- 09.13 “Abstract landscape” one work exhibition at Galleria Huuto, Helsinki (FI)
2016.03.07-31 Exhibition 'Frustration' at "Taidebunkkeri" Imatra (FI)
2016.02.23 Video works screening at "Kabinetas" Kaunas (LT)
2013.01.17 Personal work presentation at 'Thursdays Review' at "Vartu" gallery, Vilnius (LT)
Group exhibitions
2025.04.5-26 [Upcoming] Group project exhibition “Correspondence” Redbud Gallery, Houston TX (USA)
2025.02.14-27 [Upcoming] Group project exhibition “Correspondence” Yö Gallery, Helsinki (FI)
2024.09.26-10.08.25 Part of museum group exhibition 'FEEL ME' at Trapholt (DK)
2024.04.09-05.04 Group exhibition 'Stone Speaks' Kaire-Desine gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania (LT)
2023.10.20-24.03.11 Part of museum collection exhibition ‘Où sont les femmes ?’ PBA Lille, France (FR)
2022.08.12-11.09 Group exhibition 'Confinus Modica 2022 - Confini ed aperture' Modica, Italy (IT)
2022.04.01-08.21 Group exhibition ‘Subterranean’, Amos Rex, Helsinki (FI)
2021.09.29-10.31 Group exhibition "Hauras aika, väkevä aika" Erkkola museum, Tuusula (FI)
2021.06.30-07.25 Group exhibition "Helsinki Litho 20 years of Lithography" Galleria G, Helsinki (FI)
2021.05.28-06.20 Group exhibition "Sanctuary" with Inma Herrera, Suvi Sysi at ForumBox, Helsinki (FI)
2019.09.20-20.01.09 Part of museum exhibition “Le rêve d’être artiste” in PBA de Lille (FR)
2019.05.02-08 Group exhibition “No Modifiers” Tamarind Gallery, Albuquerque NM (USA)
2018.08.29-09.23 Group exhibition “Galleria G:n 50-vuotisjuhlanäyttely” Helsinki (FI)
2018.02.09 -2019.03.24 Exhibition There and back again: Contemporary art from the Baltic region KIASMA Contemporary Art Museum, Helsinki (FI)
2017.09.14-17 NeuNow Europe's Emerging Artists "Machinegebouw" Amsterdam (NL)
2017.04.20-27 KoMASK Master Printmaking 2017 vernissage, Antwerpen (BL)
2017.01.27-02.12 'After Act On' Group exhibition at HUUTO Jätkäsaari gallery Helsinki (FI)
2016.11.04-11.26 'Breathe in Breathe out' exhibition with Sandra and Yuki in "Titanikas" Vilnius (LT)
2016.04.22-2017.01.29 KIASMA's Collection Exhibition [Link] (FI)
2016.02.12-21 Group exhibition 'Kuvataideakatemian näyttely' "Exhibition Laboratory" Helsinki (FI)
2015.09.18-10.04 Roma Auskalnyte + Jarmo Somppi + Kristina Janni Ståhl, Helsinki "Project Room" (FI)
2015.06.05-31.05 Group exhibition 'Kuvan Kevät 2015', Helsinki gallery "Project Room" (FI)
2015.02.2-03.13 Group exhibition '//- lines' Kaunas, gallery "Meno forma" (LT)
2014.11.20-12.04 Group exhibition ‘9 artists lives’ Vilnius, gallery “Kalnas” (LT)
2014.11.05 Group exhibition ‘Forth Art Quadrennial 2014 Lithuania – Art on a flagpole’ Vilnius (LT)
2014.04.08-29 Group book exhibition ‘Julkaise! – Publish!’ at "Kuva/Tila" gallery, Helsinki (FI)
2014.03.21 Pop-up exhibition 'From surface to structure' at KUVA/Taidegrafiika, Helsinki (FI)
2013.07.09-20 Group exhibition 'Sezonas '3' at Vilnius Graphic Art Centre (LT)
2013.05.03-05 Group exhibition 'Artist reveal yourself!' Birmingham (UK)
2012.06.08-15 Final Works exhibition placed at 'Future Loft' in Vilnius Lithuania (LT)
2012.05.2-21 Group exhibition 'Passport' placed at Kaunas "Meno parkas" gallery (LT)
2012.01.10 Group exhibition 'Passport' placed at Vilnius Graphic Art Centre (LT)
2011.08.28 Group exhibition 'Holidays' placed at Šilutes Hugo Šojus old-manor house (LT)
2011.04.15 Group exhibition 'International culture day' Vilnius (LT)
2018.08-2019.05 Tamarinds’ Printer Training Program printer (non degree), Albuquerque [USA]
2013.09-2016.05 Master of Fine Arts at Kuvataideakatemia (University of Arts Helsinki) [FI]
2011.02.01-06.15 Fine Art in Birmingham City University BIAD (exchange program) [UK]
2008.10-2012.06 Bachelor of Fine Arts (Printmaking) at Vilnius Academy of Arts [LT]
Talks and lectures
Since 2021 Hourly based lithography teacher at SAMK Kankaanpään taidekoulu (FI)
Since 2021 Hourly based lithography teacher at University of Arts Helsinki, Helsinki (FI)
2021, 2022 Hourly based lithography teacher at LAD-ammattikorkeakoulu, Lappeenranta (FI)
2021.02.18-04.09 Offset lithography course "Picture it with words" at KUVA, Helsinki (FI)
2017.03.20-23 Lectures and intensive workshops "Text Body Book“ VDA, Klaipeda (LT)
2016.03.07 Presentation lecture at Imatra Art School (FI)
2012.10.01-12.15 Visiting Lecturer in Birmingham City University, School of Art: drawing tutor (UK)
Professional experience
2019.05 Lithography and Offset Printer Tmi 'Brutal Editions' at Helsinki Litho workshop, Helsinki (FI)
2019.09 - 2020.06 Technician at printmaking department at UNIARTS Helsinki (FI)
2017/18/19/20/21 Post stamp designer for Lithuanian Post (LT)
2016.08-11 Technician at Printmaking department at Kuvataideakatemia (FI)
2015.07 Designed collection of post stamps and an envelope for 'Lithuanian Ethnographic Regions Year' (LT)
2014.06-08 Intern printmaker at 'Hot Bed Press' printmakers studio, Manchester (UK)
2012.01-04 Assisting for '6th International Artist's Book Triennial' Vilnius 2012 (LT)
2011 Book covers design for the publishing house “Metodika” (LT)
2010 Vilnius University 'Carrier book 2010' book design (LT)